Contact the Club:
Tel: 01225 858295
E-mail: avonvalerfc@outlook.com
Contact the Fixtures Secretary:
Steve Vowles
Tel: 07494 047719
E-mail: steve.f.vowles@hsbc.com
To register your child with Avonvale RFC for the 2023/24 season, please contact Graham via the link below to be included in your specific age-group communications.

Graham Chignell
Minis & Juniors Chairman
What's on At Avonvale?
Avonvale RFC Membership 2023/24
Playing Membership:
Adult £80 (exclusive of £5 match fee per match)
Junior/Colts £60 (exclusive of match fees) + £30 per additional child
Minis £60 + £30 per additional child.
Non-Playing Membership:
Family £50. Single £40
Membership is due by October 1st 2022. Members benefit from a significant discount on bar prices.
Contact Us
Bathford Hill, Bathford,
Bath BA1 7SW
email: avonvalerfc@outlook.com
Tel: 01225 858295
The bar at Avonvale RFC is routinely open Saturdays (4Pm till late) and Sundays (12pm until 2) but also opens for Skittles, Darts, Televised sporting fixtures and other events during the week.
The live Avonvale calendar above highlights when the bar is open outside of routine hours. If you would like the club open for a particular event please speak to a committee member or contact AvonvaleRFC@outlook.com.
Clubhouse Bar